Rhythmhooping is a fun fitness exercise that uses hula hoops for Rhythmcardio®. We use extra large hoops with more weight than normal to allow more consistent control of the hula hoop for long periods of time. Rhythmhoop Cardio is a fitness cardio exercise that allows you to have a consistent rhythm-fused motion for extended periods. Rhythmhoop Fitness Cardio Classes are available for scheduling & the official Nevada Breeze Rhythmhoop™ is now available for purchase. Please contact (916) 398-6277 for more information about Nevada Breeze Rhythmhoops™ & scheduling for our Rhythmhoop Cardio Classes. Also, be sure to check-out the black pricing button for more information about our Rhythmhoops Fitness Cardio Classes & the official Nevada Breeze Rhythmhoops™.